

  • COMPUTORS is finished and published. You’ll not long find it everywhere books are sold online. Use this link to find out where. I now have the whether all, and the gumption, to compile a series. That all depends on COMPUTORS success, if any, as it is the origin which happened to happen first in my series.
  • These updates are now live on their own page titled Updates. For any of you who are RSS savvy, use the following link to stay abreast: https://bookmotives.com/feed
  • I am contemplating a series for COMPUTORS, but I’ve learned it’s not wise to rush into things head long. Such is the kind of advice I give to the younger generation, so perhaps it is fitting that I swallow my own pill. In all likelihood, I’ll end up writing it anyway since this is what I like (luv) to do. I’d rather do this than struggle to gain sleep, since there is no bed-warmer in mine.
  • In the meantime, look forward to a new app from me while I wallow in my throes. I’ll post it once I finish it, to where the rest of my non-literature projects dwell, on Github.

I’ve not yet forgotten about my fellow crime novel aficionadas’ either, so stay glued to your seats. Where the Crows Nest is without a doubt the next project on my list. Your patience is dearly appreciated.

This will be all for the me-to-you as it concerns A Vampire’s Tale. I hope you liked it, if not, maybe Computors is more to your liking. For further updates link with my RSS feed, or come pay me a visit every now and then, at BookMotives.com




  • Finished the final first draft for COMPUTORS last night. I’ll spend the next few weeks editing and spawning the interior design for the print copy, and with a little luck it’ll be on the shelves right on time for Christmas.
  • Compiled a large reading list to go through for the next few months. Lots of thrillers and a comedy.
  • The baits working. I’m getting a few nibbles here and there, as well as a couple of bites.
  • Sold a bit in Australia of all places. Definitely wouldn’t have imagined that.

Moving these updates to an individual page come new year’s. It’ll be linked within the menu in the header in a neat little position.

This thing about completing COMPUTORS is something like a NaNoWriMo like event for me. In case you’re wondering.


  • Added a nice post about my current process and how I get it done when it comes to writing. It isn’t conceptually grand, but does the job with humor, so you can relax and hopefully use the knowledge to get more writing done. You can view it here.
  • Almost 2/3 of the way into COMPUTORS. I’m pushing to be within Part III before the end of the week.
  • Sold a couple of copies of WOLF HUNTERS which was a bit stunning since I haven’t mentioned it in a while.


  • Added captions to a few images in the above collage.
  • Some of the images have links now, to posts with additives about the story and the creative process.
  • Compiled a nice know-how about preparing your manuscript for print-on-demand services. You can view it live here.

Started a new novella for release this winter, hopefully around Christmas. It’s called COMPUTORS. It revolves around an android trying to solve the murder of his girlfriend while being one of a few dozen AI, fallen from space.